Advantages Of Keeping Portable Toilets at Construction Sites
Hardworking people demand specific tools, supplies, and restroom facilities on construction sites. The workers' bathrooms are usually far from the construction site and in poor shape. On construction sites, laborers on different floors trek 7 to 10 minutes to the nearest bathroom facility, positioned far away from the main construction activity. A worker spends 3 to 5 minutes in a restroom or toilet and then walks back to work for another 7 to 10 minutes. Going to the bathroom and back costs the construction firm or promoter 1.5 hours if each worker makes three such trips in one shift for an average of 300 for every job. Keep workers on site: The most important thing to you is that your staff stay on the job and work hard. Going to the bathroom is a waste of time because you’re there to construct and accomplish a task. Paying your employees to do their own thing may cost you more money in the long run. If portable restrooms are sold on-site, workers are more likely to use them for ...